About the NEOBrain Collaborative
CPQCC’s NEOBrain teams completed the 2-year collaborative in June 2024. Key lessons from the NEOBrain Collaborative will be shared widely at a later date to support broad and systemic implementation and impact throughout California.
This collaborative was a unique opportunity for NICUs to focus on high impact areas of neuroprotection, which may have included:
- Family-focused involvement in care from NICU admission
- Increasing positive environmental interactions and decreasing noxious environmental stimulation
- Decreasing unnecessary interventions, such as pokes, blood tests, x-rays, and other assessments that do not impact medical decision making
- Creating a culture in your unit focused on neuroprotection
Additional benefits included:
- Access to evidence-based change packages
- Access to Supporting and Enhancing NICU Sensory Experiences (SENSE), a comprehensive approach to ensuring multi-modal positive sensory exposures across hospitalization for high-risk infants in the NICU
- The opportunity to benchmark, track and compare data between your site and other participating sites using a new web-based quality improvement platform
- A "community of learning" where lessons learned, materials, data, and strategies are shared across sites
- Guidance in both quality improvement and the clinical area of focus from a multidisciplinary faculty panel from across the state
- CME credits for learning session participation and credit for participating Neonatologists towards the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part 4 Program
Registration for NEOBrain is now closed. Please contact Courtney Breault (courtney@cpqcc.org) to be placed on the waitlist.
Faculty Panel Spotlight: Read this profile on NEOBrain Faculty Panel Member, Dr. Elizabeth Rogers (UCSF), explaining the importance of neuroprotective care and involving families.