We present the following awards to members who go above and beyond to meet data entry deadlines. Data abstraction for our NICU and HRIF databases takes a lot of time and hard work and we are honored to work with such dedicated teams across California! For more information on CPQCC's quality improvement awards, visit the Quality Improvement Awards page.
NICU Gold Star

Awarded to NICUs that submit all June 1st required items by May 15th.
View award certificates.
HRIF Super Star

Awarded to HRIF clinics that submit items 1-4 on the HRIF Closeout Checklist by May 1st.
View award certificates.
NICU Super Star

Awarded to NICUs that submit the contact report by January 15th and the April 1st deliverables by March 15th.
View award certificates.
HRIF Follow-up

Awarded to HRIF clinics with core visit follow-up rates for the closing birth year of ≥ 80% for the first visit, ≥ 70% for the second visit, and ≥ 60% for the third visit as of June 2nd.
View award certificates.
HRIF Crown

Awarded to HRIF clinics that submit all required items by their designated deadlines (June 1st, June 17th, and July 1st).
View award certificates.
NICU Crown

Awarded to NICUs that submit all required items by their designated deadlines (February 1st, April 1st, June 1st, and June 7th).
View award certificates.
HRIF Surprise

Awarded as a surprise for positive performance in a particular area. This award is not given out every year.
View award certificates.
NICU All Star

Awarded to NICUs that earn the Super Star and Early Bird Awards and submit all June 1st required items by May 15th.
View award certificates.
NICU Surprise

Awarded as a surprise for positive performance in a particular area. This award is not given out every year.