Thank you for joining us for the CPQCC annual data training webinar series! Please click on the recording and presentation links for each webinar below, to learn about our Quality Improvement programs and our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), California Perinatal Transport System (CPeTS), and High Risk Infant Follow-up (HRIF) data sets.

Attendees that attended the live session will receive contact hours through the Mid-Coastal California Perinatal Outreach Program (MCCPOP). MCCPOP is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California Board of Registered Nurses, Provider #3104. The webinars were approved for up to 1.5 contact hours for the 90-minute events and 1.0 contact hours for the 60-minute events. Those that attended a live webinar session needed to be engaged the entire time and fill out an evaluation in order to receive contact hours. Evaluations will close this Friday, November 8th!

For those of you who like to attended together as a group, please reach out to asap to receive a sign in sheet that must be reviewed by an educator or supervisor, as proof of attendance.