Addressing Maternal Mortality And Morbidity In California Through Public-Private Partnerships.

E.K. Main; C. Markow; J. Gould

In 2006, noting a rise in maternal deaths and complications, the California Department of Public Health launched efforts to investigate maternal deaths. In that year, the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative was formed as a public-private partnership to lead maternal quality improvement activities. Key steps undertaken over the next decade included linking public health surveillance to actions, mobilizing a broad range of public and private partners, developing a rapid-cycle Maternal Data Center to support and sustain quality improvement initiatives, and implementing a series of data-driven large-scale quality improvement projects. While US maternal mortality has worsened in the 2010s, by 2013 California's rate had been cut in half to a three-year average of 7.0 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The state's rate had become comparable to the average rate in Western Europe (7.2 per 100,000). In this article we describe the key steps undertaken by the California Department of Public Health and the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative that supported change at large scale. Special challenges for implementation are also discussed.


Main EK, Markow C, Gould J. "Addressing Maternal Mortality And Morbidity In California Through Public-Private Partnerships." Health Aff (Millwood). 2018;37(9):1484-1493.PubMed

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Journal Article
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