Change in neonatal resuscitation guidelines and trends in incidence of meconium aspiration syndrome in California.

V.K. Kalra; H.C. Lee; L. Sie; A.W. Ratnasiri; M.A. Underwood; S. Lakshminrusimha

OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in the incidence and severity of meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) around the release of revised Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) guidelines in 2016.

STUDY DESIGN: The California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative database was queried for years 2013-2017 to describe the incidence and outcomes of infants with MAS. Results were analyzed based on both individual years and pre- vs. post-guideline epochs (2013-15 vs. 2017).

RESULT: Incidence of MAS decreased significantly from 2013-15 to 2017 (1.02 to 0.78/1000 births, p 


Kalra VK, Lee HC, Sie L, Ratnasiri AW, Underwood MA, Lakshminrusimha S. "Change in neonatal resuscitation guidelines and trends in incidence of meconium aspiration syndrome in California." J Perinatol. 2020;40(1):46-55.PubMed

Publication type: 
Journal Article
CPQCC publication: 
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