How do I gain access to the HRIF Reporting System?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The HRIF Reporting System access is only authorized while connected to your organization’s network. Access from a home network or while traveling is not permitted. Whitelisting IP address ranges is a procedure we have implemented to enhance the security of the system. If you have any questions regarding this security procedure, submit a ticket though our Help Desk.

Requirements for access 

  1. Your hospital must currently have a CCS-approved NICU or HRIF Program
  2. You must be listed on the HRIF Directory

If you do not meet the above qualifications, an authorized user must request access on your behalf. Make sure to include the authorized person in the help ticket request.

To request access

Submit a help ticket at and include the following required information:

  1. Center Name
  2. Computer Public IP Address: Contact your IT department to request the “Public IP Address Ranges” used by the hospital’s network and provide the ranges in the description of the help ticket. Note: Access to the HRIF Reporting System is only authorized while connected to your organization’s network.
  3. Does your center provide HRIF services? (Y/N)
  4. Full name (First and Last)
  5. Title
  6. E-mail Address
  7. Phone Number
  8. User Account Access (contacts can have multiple accounts):

Data User: HRIF clinic staff responsible for submitting all data forms for patients receiving follow-up services in their clinic. Can generate the HRIF Summary and CCS Annual Reports.
Referral User: CCS-approved NICU and/or HRIF clinic staff who refer eligible infants to an HRIF clinic.
NICU User: CCS-approved NICU staff who can generate the NICU Summary Report.​

Need help accessing the HRIF Reporting System or have a question about entering data?

  • The HRIF Support team has developed a series of tools and resources to assist HRIF Data Contacts in abstracting data and entering it into the HRIF Reporting System. Visit the HRIF Resources page to explore available resources.
  • The HRIF Support team is available to answer specific questions or to offer personalized support Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM by submitting a ticket through our Help Desk.