Starting December 2017, we have begun offering our members the ability to track all infants admitted into their NICU through an optional All NICU Admits Database. This database is separate from the main NICU Database. All babies admitted to the NICU, for any reason, are eligible for entry into the All NICU Admits Database; unlike the main NICU Database, there are no other criteria for entry. 

The All NICU Admits Database allows you to do any or all of the following:

  •  Enter infant data directly
  • Import CPQCC-eligible infants from the main NICU Database
  • Upload/download infant data using a .csv file
  • Create a partially populated Admission/Discharge and CPeTS form
  • Create a partially populated MatEx Database form
  • Partially populate sections A-F of the CCS Form, which is required by the State of California, making completion of the form easier and quicker

Participation in the All NICU Admits Database is voluntary.  


  • More accurate data on NICU admissions volume on the NICU Reports site, including through the new All NICU Admits Focus Board
  • More accurate volume and control charts on NICU Reports Site for items that are required to be entered for all infants (e.g. infant deaths completely reported for the first year of life relative to all NICU admissions)
  • Allows use of all NICU admissions as a denominator for Big Baby metrics
  • Automatic population of sections A-F of the annual CCS Form, including NICU deaths after day 28, inborn NICU admits by GA, cumulative initial LOS, total number of IM or IV antibiotic NICU days, and number of central line days by birth weight
  • Provides the ability to track infants who are not eligible for entry into the main NICU Database but affect a NICU’s resource use 
