Below is a selection of publications that CPQCC has produced as a result of our quality improvement initiatives and research projects.

Displaying 251 - 300 of 410


Blumenfeld YJ, Shamshirsaz AA, Belfort MA, et al. "Fetofetal Transfusion Syndrome in Monochorionic-Triamniotic Triplets Treated with Fetoscopic Laser Ablation: Report of Two Cases and A Systematic Review." AJP Rep. 2015;5(2):e153-60.PubMed

Gage S, Kan P, Oehlert J, et al. "Determinants of chronic lung disease severity in the first year of life; A population based study." Pediatr. Pulmonol.. 2015;50(9):878-88.PubMed

Weiss KJ, Kowalkowski MA, Treviño R, et al. "Needs assessment to improve neonatal intensive care in Mexico." Paediatr Int Child Health. 2015;35(3):213-9.PubMed

Gage S, Kan P, Lee HC, et al. "Maternal Asthma, Preterm Birth, and Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia." J. Pediatr.. 2015;167(4):875-880.e1.PubMed

Kastenberg ZJ, Lee HC, Profit J, Gould JB, Sylvester KG. "Effect of deregionalized care on mortality in very low-birth-weight infants with necrotizing enterocolitis." JAMA Pediatr. 2015;169(1):26-32.PubMed

Hintz SR, Gould JB, Bennett MV, et al. "Referral of very low birth weight infants to high-risk follow-up at neonatal intensive care unit discharge varies widely across California." J. Pediatr.. 2015;166(2):289-95.PubMed

Lyndon A, Lee HC, Gay C, Gilbert WM, Gould JB, Lee KA. "Effect of time of birth on maternal morbidity during childbirth hospitalization in California." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2015;213(5):705.e1-11.PubMed

Schulman J, Dimand RJ, Lee HC, Duenas GV, Bennett MV, Gould JB. "Neonatal intensive care unit antibiotic use." Pediatrics. 2015;135(5):826-33.PubMed

Byrnes J, Mahoney R, Quaintance C, et al. "Spatial and temporal patterns in preterm birth in the United States." Pediatr Res. 2015;77(6):836-44.PubMed

Hintz SR, Barnes PD, Bulas D, et al. "Neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm infants." Pediatrics. 2015;135(1):e32-42.PubMed

Lapcharoensap W, Gage SC, Kan P, et al. "Hospital variation and risk factors for bronchopulmonary dysplasia in a population-based cohort." JAMA Pediatr. 2015;169(2):e143676.PubMed

Carmichael SL, Blumenfeld YJ, Mayo J, et al. "Prepregnancy Obesity and Risks of Stillbirth." PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0138549.PubMed

Pappas A, Shankaran S, McDonald SA, et al. "Cognitive outcomes after neonatal encephalopathy." Pediatrics. 2015;135(3):e624-34.PubMed

Profit J, Goldstein BA, Tamaresis J, Kan P, Lee HC. "Regional variation in antenatal corticosteroid use: a network-level quality improvement study." Pediatrics. 2015;135(2):e397-404.PubMed


Profit J, Sharek PJ, Amspoker AB, et al. "Burnout in the NICU setting and its relation to safety culture." BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(10):806-13.PubMed

Lee HC, Powers RJ, Bennett MV, et al. "Implementation methods for delivery room management: a quality improvement comparison study." Pediatrics. 2014;134(5):e1378-86.PubMed

Wadhawan R, Oh W, Hintz SR, et al. "Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants with spontaneous intestinal perforation or surgical necrotizing enterocolitis." J Perinatol. 2014;34(1):64-70.PubMed

Davis AS, Hintz SR, Goldstein RF, et al. "Outcomes of extremely preterm infants following severe intracranial hemorrhage." J Perinatol. 2014;34(3):203-8.PubMed

DeMauro SB, D'Agostino JAnn, Bann C, et al. "Developmental outcomes of very preterm infants with tracheostomies." J Pediatr. 2014;164(6):1303-10.e2.PubMed

Gu W, Koh W, Blumenfeld YJ, et al. "Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis in a fetus at risk for methylmalonic acidemia." Genet Med. 2014;16(7):564-7.PubMed

Carmichael SL, Cullen MR, Mayo JA, et al. "Population-level correlates of preterm delivery among black and white women in the U.S." PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e94153.PubMed

Morriss FH, Saha S, Bell EF, et al. "Surgery and neurodevelopmental outcome of very low-birth-weight infants." JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(8):746-54.PubMed

Gould JB, Mayo J, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK. "Swedish and American studies show that initiatives to decrease maternal obesity could play a key role in reducing preterm birth." Acta Paediatr. 2014;103(6):586-91.PubMed

Moise KJ, Hintz SR. "Fetal diagnosis and interventions." Am J Perinatol. 2014;31(7):547-8.PubMed

Lanzieri TM, Bialek SR, Bennett MV, Gould JB. "Cytomegalovirus infection among infants in California neonatal intensive care units, 2005-2010." J Perinat Med. 2014;42(3):393-9.PubMed

Patel CJ, Yang T, Hu Z, et al. "Investigation of maternal environmental exposures in association with self-reported preterm birth." Reprod Toxicol. 2014;45:1-7.PubMed

Stevens TP, Finer NN, Carlo WA, et al. "Respiratory outcomes of the surfactant positive pressure and oximetry randomized trial (SUPPORT)." J Pediatr. 2014;165(2):240-249.e4.PubMed

Shaw GM, Wise PH, Mayo J, et al. "Maternal prepregnancy body mass index and risk of spontaneous preterm birth." Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2014;28(4):302-11.PubMed

Davis AS, Chock VY, Hintz SR. "Fetal centers and the role of the neonatologist in complex fetal care." Am J Perinatol. 2014;31(7):549-56.PubMed

Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Ryckman KK, Bedell B, et al. "Combined elevated midpregnancy tumor necrosis factor alpha and hyperlipidemia in pregnancies resulting in early preterm birth." Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;211(2):141.e1-9.PubMed

Profit J, Wise PH, Lee HC. "Consequences of the affordable care act for sick newborns." Pediatrics. 2014;134(5):e1284-6.PubMed

Myers A, Bernstein JA, Brennan M-L, et al. "Perinatal features of the RASopathies: Noonan syndrome, cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome and Costello syndrome." Am J Med Genet A. 2014;164A(11):2814-21.PubMed

Hoffmann TJ, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, et al. "Copy number variation in bronchopulmonary dysplasia." Am J Med Genet A. 2014;164A(10):2672-5.PubMed

Kracer B, Hintz SR, Van Meurs KP, Lee HC. "Hypothermia therapy for neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in the state of California." J. Pediatr.. 2014;165(2):267-73.PubMed

Natarajan G, Shankaran S, Pappas A, et al. "Functional status at 18 months of age as a predictor of childhood disability after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy." Dev Med Child Neurol. 2014;56(11):1052-8.PubMed

Profit J, Kowalkowski MA, Zupancic JAF, et al. "Baby-MONITOR: a composite indicator of NICU quality." Pediatrics. 2014;134(1):74-82.PubMed

J Sexton B, Sharek PJ, Thomas EJ, et al. "Exposure to Leadership WalkRounds in neonatal intensive care units is associated with a better patient safety culture and less caregiver burnout." BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(10):814-22.PubMed


Natarajan G, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, et al. "Apgar scores at 10 min and outcomes at 6-7 years following hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy." Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2013;98(6):F473-9.PubMed

Gould JB, Danielsen BH, Bollman L, Hackel A, Murphy B. "Estimating the quality of neonatal transport in California." J Perinatol. 2013;33(12):964-70.PubMed

Blumenfeld YJ, Davis A, Milan K, et al. "Conservatively managed fetal goiter: an alternative to in utero therapy." Fetal Diagn Ther. 2013;34(3):184-7.PubMed

Lee HC, Bennett MV, Schulman J, Gould JB. "Accounting for variation in length of NICU stay for extremely low birth weight infants." J Perinatol. 2013;33(11):872-6.PubMed

Lowe JR, Duncan AFreeman, Bann CM, et al. "Early working memory as a racially and ethnically neutral measure of outcome in extremely preterm children at 18-22 months." Early Hum Dev. 2013;89(12):1055-61.PubMed

Sherenian M, Profit J, Schmidt B, et al. "Nurse-to-patient ratios and neonatal outcomes: a brief systematic review." Neonatology. 2013;104(3):179-83.PubMed

Vohr BR, Stephens BE, McDonald SA, et al. "Cerebral palsy and growth failure at 6 to 7 years." Pediatrics. 2013;132(4):e905-14.PubMed

Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Shaw GM, Currier RJ, et al. "Association of early-preterm birth with abnormal levels of routinely collected first- and second-trimester biomarkers." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 2013;208(6):492.e1-11.PubMed

Acosta CD, Knight M, Lee HC, Kurinczuk JJ, Gould JB, Lyndon A. "The continuum of maternal sepsis severity: incidence and risk factors in a population-based cohort study." PLoS ONE. 2013;8(7):e67175.PubMed

Profit J, Zupancic JAF, Gould JB, et al. "Correlation of neonatal intensive care unit performance across multiple measures of quality of care." JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(1):47-54.PubMed

Lee HChong, Martin-Anderson S, Lyndon A, R Dudley A. "Perspectives on promoting breastmilk feedings for premature infants during a quality improvement project." Breastfeed Med. 2013;8:176-80.PubMed

Akula VP, Gould JB, Davis AS, Hackel A, Oehlert J, Van Meurs KP. "Therapeutic hypothermia during neonatal transport: data from the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative (CPQCC) and California Perinatal Transport System (CPeTS) for 2010." J Perinatol. 2013;33(3):194-7.PubMed

Lee HC, Jegatheesan P, Gould JB, Dudley RA. "Hospital-wide breastfeeding rates vs. breastmilk provision for very-low-birth-weight infants." Acta Paediatr.. 2013;102(3):268-72.PubMed
