Below is a selection of publications that CPQCC has produced as a result of our quality improvement initiatives and research projects.

Displaying 301 - 350 of 410


Lee HC, Jegatheesan P, Gould JB, Dudley RA. "Hospital-wide breastfeeding rates vs. breastmilk provision for very-low-birth-weight infants." Acta Paediatr.. 2013;102(3):268-72.PubMed

Lowe JR, Duncan AFreeman, Bann CM, et al. "Early working memory as a racially and ethnically neutral measure of outcome in extremely preterm children at 18-22 months." Early Hum Dev. 2013;89(12):1055-61.PubMed

Profit J, Gould JB, Draper D, et al. "Variations in definitions of mortality have little influence on neonatal intensive care unit performance ratings." J. Pediatr.. 2013;162(1):50-5.e2.PubMed

Vohr BR, Stephens BE, McDonald SA, et al. "Cerebral palsy and growth failure at 6 to 7 years." Pediatrics. 2013;132(4):e905-14.PubMed

Wang H, St Julien KR, Stevenson DK, et al. "A genome-wide association study (GWAS) for bronchopulmonary dysplasia." Pediatrics. 2013;132(2):290-7.PubMed

Billett AL, Colletti RB, Mandel KE, et al. "Exemplar pediatric collaborative improvement networks: achieving results." Pediatrics. 2013;131 Suppl 4:S196-203.PubMed


Shankaran S, Pappas A, McDonald SA, et al. "Childhood outcomes after hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy." N Engl J Med. 2012;366(22):2085-92.PubMed

Tian AG, Hintz SR, Cohen RS, Edwards MSB. "Ventricular access devices are safe and effective in the treatment of posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation prior to shunt placement." Pediatr Neurosurg. 2012;48(1):13-20.PubMed

Stephens BE, Bann CM, Watson VE, et al. "Screening for autism spectrum disorders in extremely preterm infants." J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012;33(7):535-41.PubMed

Shankaran S, Barnes PD, Hintz SR, et al. "Brain injury following trial of hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy." Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012;97(6):F398-404.PubMed

Colby CE, Carey WA, Blumenfeld YJ, Hintz SR. "Infants with prenatally diagnosed anomalies: special approaches to preparation and resuscitation." Clin Perinatol. 2012;39(4):871-87.PubMed

Vaucher YE, Peralta-Carcelen M, Finer NN, et al. "Neurodevelopmental outcomes in the early CPAP and pulse oximetry trial." N Engl J Med. 2012;367(26):2495-504.PubMed

Profit J, Woodard LCD. "Perils and opportunities of comparative performance measurement." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(2):191-4.PubMed

Lyndon A, Lee HC, Gilbert WM, Gould JB, Lee KA. "Maternal morbidity during childbirth hospitalization in California." J. Matern. Fetal. Neonatal. Med.. 2012;25(12):2529-35.PubMed

Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, et al. "Risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia by second-trimester maternal serum levels of α-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, and unconjugated estriol." Pediatr. Res.. 2012;71(4 Pt 1):399-406.PubMed

Kowalkowski M, Gould JB, Bose C, Petersen LA, Profit J. "Do practicing clinicians agree with expert ratings of neonatal intensive care unit quality measures?" J Perinatol. 2012;32(4):247-52.PubMed

Main EK, Morton CH, Melsop K, Hopkins D, Giuliani G, Gould JB. "Creating a public agenda for maternity safety and quality in cesarean delivery." Obstet Gynecol. 2012;120(5):1194-8.PubMed

Bain LCharo, R Dudley A, Gould JB, Lee HC. "Factors associated with failure to screen newborns for retinopathy of prematurity." J. Pediatr.. 2012;161(5):819-23.PubMed

Lee HC, Kurtin PS, Wight NE, et al. "A quality improvement project to increase breast milk use in very low birth weight infants." Pediatrics. 2012;130(6):e1679-87.PubMed

Akula VPriya, Davis AS, Gould JB, Van Meurs K. "Therapeutic hypothermia during neonatal transport: current practices in California." Am J Perinatol. 2012;29(5):319-26.PubMed

Profit J, Etchegaray J, Petersen LA, et al. "Neonatal intensive care unit safety culture varies widely." Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed.. 2012;97(2):F120-6.PubMed

Guralnick MJ. "Preventive interventions for preterm children: effectiveness and developmental mechanisms." J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012;33(4):352-64.PubMed

Lee HChong, Martin-Anderson S, R Dudley A. "Clinician perspectives on barriers to and opportunities for skin-to-skin contact for premature infants in neonatal intensive care units." Breastfeed Med. 2012;7(2):79-84.PubMed

Moore T, Hennessy EM, Myles J, et al. "Neurological and developmental outcome in extremely preterm children born in England in 1995 and 2006: the EPICure studies." BMJ. 2012;345:e7961.PubMed

Profit J, Etchegaray J, Petersen LA, et al. "The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire as a tool for benchmarking safety culture in the NICU." Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed.. 2012;97(2):F127-32.PubMed

Shankaran S, Laptook AR, McDonald SA, et al. "Temperature profile and outcomes of neonates undergoing whole body hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012;13(1):53-9.PubMed

Vohr BR, Stephens BE, Higgins RD, et al. "Are outcomes of extremely preterm infants improving? Impact of Bayley assessment on outcomes." J Pediatr. 2012;161(2):222-8.e3.PubMed

Tang BG, Feldman HM, Huffman LC, Kagawa KJ, Gould JB. "Missed opportunities in the referral of high-risk infants to early intervention." Pediatrics. 2012;129(6):1027-34.PubMed

Sellier E, Horber V, Krägeloh-Mann I, De La Cruz J, Cans C. "Interrater reliability study of cerebral palsy diagnosis, neurological subtype, and gross motor function." Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54(9):815-21.PubMed


Hintz SR, Kendrick DE, Wilson-Costello DE, et al. "Early-childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes are not improving for infants born at

Lee HC, Chien AT, Bardach NS, Clay T, Gould JB, R Dudley A. "The impact of statistical choices on neonatal intensive care unit quality ratings based on nosocomial infection rates." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011;165(5):429-34.PubMed

Lee HC, R Dudley A, Gonzalez R. Translating evidence into practice, policy, and public health in perinatal medicine.; 2011.

Gould JB. "Portrait of an exceptional colleague." J Perinatol. 2011;31 Suppl 1:S8.PubMed

Profit J, Gould JB, Zupancic JAF, et al. "Formal selection of measures for a composite index of NICU quality of care: Baby-MONITOR." J Perinatol. 2011;31(11):702-10.PubMed

Lee HC, Lyndon A, Blumenfeld YJ, R Dudley A, Gould JB. "Antenatal steroid administration for premature neonates in California." Obstet Gynecol. 2011;117(3):603-9.PubMed

Guralnick MJ. "Why Early Intervention Works: A Systems Perspective." Infants Young Child. 2011;24(1):6-28.PubMed

Miller SS, Lee HC, Gould JB. "Hypothermia in very low birth weight infants: distribution, risk factors and outcomes." J Perinatol. 2011;31 Suppl 1:S49-56.PubMed

Wirtschafter DD, Powers RJ, Pettit JS, et al. "Nosocomial infection reduction in VLBW infants with a statewide quality-improvement model." Pediatrics. 2011;127(3):419-26.PubMed

Hintz SR, Stevenson DK, Yao Q, et al. "Is phototherapy exposure associated with better or worse outcomes in 501- to 1000-g-birth-weight infants?" Acta Paediatr. 2011;100(7):960-5.PubMed

Chitkara R, Rajani A, Bernstein J, et al. "Newborn with prenatally diagnosed choroidal fissure cyst and panhypopituitarism and review of the literature." AJP Rep. 2011;1(2):111-4.PubMed


Cohen R, Murphy B, Ahern T, Hackel A. "Regional disaster planning for neonatology." J Perinatol. 2010;30(11):709-11.PubMed

Profit J, Petersen LA, McCormick MC, et al. "Patient-to-nurse ratios and outcomes of moderately preterm infants." Pediatrics. 2010;125(2):320-6.PubMed

Powers RJ, Wirtschafter D. "Prevention of Group B Streptococcus early-onset disease: a toolkit by the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative." J Perinatol. 2010;30(2):77-87.PubMed

Profit J, Typpo KV, Hysong SJ, Woodard LCD, Kallen MA, Petersen LA. "Improving benchmarking by using an explicit framework for the development of composite indicators: an example using pediatric quality of care." Implement Sci. 2010;5:13.PubMed

Qin C, Gould JB. "Maternal nativity status and birth outcomes in Asian immigrants." J Immigr Minor Health. 2010;12(5):798-805.PubMed

Suchy FJ, Brannon PM, Carpenter TO, et al. "NIH consensus development conference statement: Lactose intolerance and health." NIH Consens State Sci Statements. 2010;27(2):1-27.PubMed

Suchy FJ, Brannon PM, Carpenter TO, et al. "National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference: lactose intolerance and health." Ann Intern Med. 2010;152(12):792-6.PubMed

Bell EF, Hansen NI, Morriss FH, et al. "Impact of timing of birth and resident duty-hour restrictions on outcomes for small preterm infants." Pediatrics. 2010;126(2):222-31.PubMed

Hintz SR, Bann CM, Ambalavanan N, C Cotten M, Das A, Higgins RD. "Predicting time to hospital discharge for extremely preterm infants." Pediatrics. 2010;125(1):e146-54.PubMed

Poole RL, Schiff L, Hintz SR, Wong A, Mackenzie N, Kerner JA. "Aluminum content of parenteral nutrition in neonates: measured versus calculated levels." J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010;50(2):208-11.PubMed
